Activities of the Association

Pedestrian Crossings

Dangerous Roundabout on Old Chelsea Road?
Study of Pedestrian Crossings

Meredith Forest - Will We Lose It?

The Friends of the Meredith Forest is a group of Chelsea residents and defenders of the environment who are strongly opposed to the zoning changes proposed for this parcel of mature, virgin forest, located east of Route 105, between the Chelsea Smokehouse and Chemin Hall.

According to the plan proposed by the municipal council, the land where the forest is located would be divided into three sections: a section that would allow the owner to build homes at a higher density than permitted by the Master plan, a recreational section with access to the Gatineau River and a public swimming dock, and a section protected as a nature conservation area.

This project runs counter to several of the municipality's objectives as set out in its master plan, including protecting 30% of Chelsea's natural environment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting development within the urban perimeter to avoid sprawl and the destruction of wildlife habitat.

Learn more at Friends of the Meredith Forest:

Vincent Road Safety

Municipal Advisory Committees

Chelsea Master Plan and Bylaws